Healthy Living, Treatment

Acupuncture for MS Symptoms

January 30, 2018

Here is an article I wrote for Associate Neurologists of Southern Connecticut about using acupuncture to help with Multiple Sclerosis symptoms. Thanks for reading!

Many patients at ASNC have come to me with problems such as weakness and numbness in the legs, pain and tingling in the feet, muscle spasms, fatigue, headaches, and other symptoms that disturb their happiness in their daily lives. Using acupuncture and herbs, as well as advice on diet and exercise, patients have improved their quality of life by experiencing less pain and more energy. I believe that a preventative effort is crucial and necessary for people with MS to slow down the degenerative process and to keep their bodies and minds healthy.
In a survey conducted by the MS Clinic at the University of British Columbia, 566 patients with definite MS reported using alternative therapies, with acupuncture being the most common method used. The correlates of acupuncture treatment included reduced pain, decreased spasticity, improved bladder and bowel dysfunction, and alleviation of tingling and numbness.
You may wonder why acupuncture can help. Because MS damages myelin in the central nervous system, the disease interferes with messages between the body and the brain. Acupuncture can mediate the effects of this disease because it releases endorphins and peptides in the brain, which modulate sensory information between the brain and body.
Furthermore, Chinese medicine looks at the individual to analyze what disharmony that specific person is experiencing. We are all individuals, eating different diets and having different emotions and life experiences. We can benefit from a practitioner who can help us by looking at our lives from a holistic perspective. For example, a patient with MS came to see me because she was experiencing pain and numbness in her legs, back pain and fatigue. I asked about her diet and she admitted that she ate at least 2 bowls of ice cream each night. After adjusting her diet and exploring what stresses she may be able to let go of, she had some acupuncture treatments and took some herbs to help her sleep through the night. By the third treatment, she was able to walk without limping, and found she had much more energy. She also developed healthy eating habits and became much more aware of how food affected her moods and energy levels. Furthermore, she tried to create boundaries for herself so that she could conserve some energy for her own healing process.

Healthy Living, Treatment

Why a natural approach to anxiety can benefit your heart

May 23, 2017
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Anxiety affects many of us and has recently been linked to increasing chances of a heart attack.  One study found that anxiety was associated with a 26% increased risk of coronary heart disease and a 48% increased risk of heart-related death over the follow-up period, even after adjusting for known heart disease risk factors like smoking and exercise.  Another study in Stockholm, Sweden, found that anxiety disorders are predictive of future heart disease even after controlling for other risk factors such as blood pressure and smoking.  Anxiety more than doubled the subsequent risk of developing coronary blockages or having a heart attack. They examined data on 50,000 young Swedish men evaluated for military service between ages 18 and 20, with a follow-up of about 37 years.

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Food for Mood

Feeling angry? Try this creamy asparagus soup to promote positive emotions!

March 31, 2017
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According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, each season is related to an emotion and an organ.  For instance, spring is related to anger, which is related to the liver.  That doesn’t mean you can’t be angry in the winter or fall, but you may be more likely to have an angry outburst in the spring if your liver is off balance.  Spring is a season of growth, dandelions and tulips bursting out of the wet soil, dying to be expressed after long months of cold and snow.  People also tend to hibernate in the winter, especially before modern civilization. So when spring arrives, we come bouncing out and unearth ourselves and sometimes, when the liver is out of balance, we can feel angry, resentful, impatient, frustrated, negative, or impulsive.  When these emotions aren’t expressed but repressed, we can feel depressed.

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My Top 4 Herbs For Pain Relief

March 18, 2017
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Now that there is more and more proof that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) are more dangerous than thought to be in the past, there is more reason to try alternatives to treat pain.  As a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a medicine in which there are 5,776 herbs in the Chinese Materia Medica, an herbalist’s bible, I have been prescribing herbs for over a decade for a vast array of symptoms, including pain.  I feel comfortable knowing that these herbs, especially in combination with other herbs, have been used for thousands of years and proven not only effective, but safe if used correctly.

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Food for Mood, Healthy Living, Treatment

How I overcame anxiety and how I help my children prevent it

February 4, 2017
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I’m convinced my son has some mild anxiety.  Since he was a baby, as soon as he started to cry,  if he didn’t see me within 1-2 minutes, he would get hysterical and actually throw up.  He had terrible stranger danger, and didn’t like anyone else holding him, not even his extended family.  Now he is 6 and has outgrown a lot of the normal anxiety signs in children but according to his tongue diagnosis, he still shows signs of anxiety.  (An anxious tongue in TCM has a red tip and may have a crease on the tip, almost looking like a heart.)  

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Food for Mood, Healthy Living

Turkey and Veggie Meatballs with Brown Rice and Quinoa Fusilli

October 19, 2016
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Growing up, I would watch my Aunt make dumpling filling with all sorts of vegetables and spices.  She would mix in onions, carrots and cabbage with some pork and make a big mash of stuffing.  Then, together, we would scoop a spoonful of the mixture into a dumpling wrapper and then fold it together and thumb press the sides.  I loved doing this with her.  Also, they always turned out delicious whether she steamed them or fried them.

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Healthy Living, Treatment

Can Meditation Equal Better Behavior for Kids?

October 12, 2016

For kids at Robert W. Coleman Elementary School in Baltimore, Maryland, the answer is yes.  This school has recently been implementing an after school program, called Holistic Me, which focuses on providing high quality yoga and mediation to students.  Instead of sending misbehaving kids to detention, they send them to meditation.  Has it worked?  So far so good! The school has reported zero suspensions last year and this year.  A nearby high school that also implements this program says that their suspension rates have dropped and their attendance has increased.

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Healthy Living, Treatment

Is Cupping For You?

October 5, 2016

Cupping is one of the treatments my 8 year old daughter will routinely let me do on her.  In the past, she would be anxious if anyone saw the cupping marks.  Now, thanks to some high profile athletes and celebrities showing off their cupping marks, cupping has become more in the know and peaking the interest of more and more people.  Super athletes like Olympian swimmer Michael Phelps, Mets player Daisuke Matsuzaka and USA gymnast Alexander Naddour have all been very public about their fondness of this ancient treatment.  Alexander Naddour told USA Today: [It’s] the secret that I have had through this year that keeps me healthy…[cupping] is better than any money I’ve spent on anything else.”1,   Other celebrities like Gwenyth Paltrow and Jennifer Aniston have been doing cupping for years now and have not been afraid to show up on red carpets with red round cupping marks.

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Healthy Living, Treatment

5 Easy Ways to De-Stress Your Mind Because It May Just Save Your Life

May 18, 2016

I recently got into a car accident and totaled my car.  It was snowing out and the roads were bad, slippery and a white wash of a mess.  I must have been driving too fast because I was stressed about being late for my next patient and then boom!  I hit a pole.  I realized that the last few months I had been taxing my body, stressed since Christmas time and have had very low energy.  I had given up doing yoga, totally forgotten about meditation, and was more focused on managing my family and their activities, my work, and my work out at the gym.  Basically, I had let the ball go on my real health and I had let the stress of life take over.  I realized I had to get back on track and DE-STRESS.

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Food for Mood, Healthy Living

Butternut Squash Lasagna

January 6, 2016
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This is one of my favorite meals to make for my gluten free husband and my picky kids.  It’s also been requested by my close friend Mimi and her hubbie Mark!!!  I include organic noodles for the kids and replace the noodles with thin slices of butternut squash for my husband and me.  I include some of the super thin slices of squash on the kids’ side of the lasagna and they usually eat it, although my son will eat around it sometimes….argh!!!!  I may try pureeing the squash so he can’t pick it out in the future.  Also, I sometimes substitute the ricotta cheese for tofu.  It tastes just as good because neither of those ingredients actually have a strong taste so it’s all about how to flavor it!  My sauce is made from scratch and has lots of onions and other vegetables which helps make this lasagna extra tasty and healthy!

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